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DECEUNINCK raises € 50 million via a private placement of new shares

Deceuninck (Euronext: DECB), refers to yesterday’s press release relating to the acquisition of Pimas Plastik Insaat Malzemeleri A.S. (Pimas) in Turkey and announces today that the Board of Directors has decided to raise € 50 million via a capital increase under the authorised capital with cancellation of the preferential subscription right of the existing shareholders. 26,315,789 new shares will be issued upon full payment of the subscription price, which is expected to be on Friday, 29 August. The subscription price of the shares was set at € 1.90 per share, which is above the average closing price of the Deceuninck share during the 30 calendar days prior to today’s Board decision.
Of the new 26,315,789 million new shares Gramo BVBA undertook to subscribe to 21,710,526 million shares for a total amount of € 41.25 million and Sofina NV undertook to subscribe to 4,605,263 million shares for a total amount of € 8.75 million. As a result of this transaction Gramo BVBA shall together with its affiliates hold a participation of 21.02% of the capital and Sofina NV will maintain its participation at 17.5%.
Gramo BVBA is a holding controlled by Francis Van Eeckhout, a Belgian entrepreneur active in building materials.
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