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JOINERY: Shipments abroad sustain the activity of companies

The companies from the thermo-insulating joinery sector faced a further decrease of the demand on the internal level during the first six months of this year and were forced to adapt quickly their activity to the existing economic context, engaging increasingly in export operations. Just like last year, with the lack of real support from government decision makers, the managers of firms from the industry have no solutions available for boosting their sales and the performing of deliveries on markets abroad is threatened by the recession of the Eurozone which requires the implementation of severe austerity measures that will have as effect the changing of the consumer behavior. Furthermore, a substantial recovery is not expected for the second half of 2013, given that the deliveries between January and June this year remained at, most optimistically, the extremely low level of the same period in 2012. It seems that significant positive changes will not be seen during the second half of this year, since both the financial information announced by specialized companies and the projections outlined on the short term are relatively heterogeneous and often contradictory. From this perspective, it is difficult to estimate now the impact of the sales season, which is in full swing, on the annual turnovers. This period constitutes the most important one during a full year for players on the profile market. Unfortunately, given the continuation of the unfavorable situation in the construction sector (which is in technical recession), the business plans that can be set for the interval 2013-2014 reflect the uncertainty of market participants, especially because numerous representatives of the industrial sectors continue to be skeptical and foresee a slight recovery uptrend only in 2015. Meanwhile, the forecasts prepared by government agencies show that a resumption of economic growth on sustainable bases would be possible only in 2016. Thus, if in the first half of this year the negative results were justified by the long-span of the cold season and the low number of contracts and orders, the second half would certainly be marked by the continuation of the restructuring process of the activity of specialized firms. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue click here!


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