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SRAC: European performance for a Romanian certification company

SRAC CERT - certification body for management systems and related products governed by product standards - announced for 2012 a turnover around 4.5 million EUR that stands at a similar level with the one recorded in the previous year. For the current year, the management hopes to maintain revenues at the same value, despite the downward trend which characterizes the Romanian economy. One of the most important activities undertaken in the recent years that has significantly contributed to the improvement of the results of the group, was related to the certification of the factory production control (FPC) according to the European harmonized standards for construction products, in order to affix the CE marking by the manufacturer. Furthermore, it must be mentioned that SRAC equipped its own testing laboratory, being accredited and notified for carrying all the necessary performance tests for thermal insulating joinery, according to SR EN 14351-1 standard. Given the late changes in the international building market - one of the industry segments where SRAC has an intense activity - and considering the recent changes that have occurred in the European legislation (the adoption of Regulation (EU) no. 305/2011 which refers to the establishment of harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products) SRAC management considered appropriate to implement special marketing measures in order to improve the image of the company. Alexandru Stoichitoiu, CEO of the certification body, emphasized that the rebranding action is justified mainly by the changing competitive conditions and by the need of enhancing the position which SRAC has in the relations with the partners and competitors. The main goals are to improve the quality of services for the traditional customers and to strengthen the company market quota on the various segments where it operates. One big advantage is that SRAC is placed among the few European organization that were notified by the new requirements of Regulation (EU) 305/2011. Furthermore, on the national level, SRAC is, in fact, the only institution with the technical and legal ability to achieve initial type testing (ITT) for windows and exterior doors.


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