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RUUKKI: Metal systems for sustainable buildings

The manufacturer of profiles and metallic structures, Ruukki Romania, the local subsidiary of the Finnish group Rautaruukki, recorded a turnover of 45 million EUR last year, up 20% from the 2012 level. Locally, the company has a factory for metal systems for buildings in Bolintin Deal (Giurgiu County), where there are manufactured both profiles and panels as well as other steel structures and, according to the company, the production is on an upward trend. The metal components for buildings manufactured by Ruukki Romania are presented on almost all large sites from the country, but a significant share of production is delivered abroad for major projects in Central and Eastern Europe, but also in Scandinavia. Rautaruukki Group is a world leader in the production of steel and metal structures and reported a total turnover of over 2.4 billion EUR for 2013. The Finnish group structure will change substantially in the near future, following the takeover of the company by the Swedish steel manufacturer SSAB, the purchasing offer totalling 10.1 billion SEK (1.1 billion EUR) and being accomplished by exchange of shares. The businesses in the construction domain of both companies - Ruukki Building Products, Ruukki Building Systems and the Plannja division within SSAB - will merge and will be run by the same management team, but, according to the Finnish company, this will have immediate consequences on subsidiaries and their clients. The transaction will be completed at the earliest during the summer of this year, the exact date depending on approvals from the authorities and the decisions taken at general meetings of shareholders of both corporations. "The activity of Ruukki Romania will not be influenced directly by the merger, given that SSAB is not represented in Romania on the segment on which we operate. Only in the residential area there is an intersection with Plannja, but we believe that we shall find synergies that help to the further development of our business in Romania. At the group level this is a welcomed merger that will create the largest producer of special steels in Europe or even at worldwide level", said Marian Pîrvu, Business Director of Ruukki Romania.


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