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Refusal to apply new business concepts, sanctioned by investors

A recommended solution for the international corporations and for the companies active in the windows and curtain walls industry in order to counteract the state of uncertainty and mistrust of the financial investors is to intensify the strategic efforts concerning the principles of "corporate social responsibility" (CSR) in order to prove their concern for the future of the planet. The international public authorities actively sustain this trend, working on developing the necessary legal frame regarding some topics like social programs, environment protection etc. There are governmental authorities which have the purpose to support the concept of sustainability, especially from EU and USA, that suggest the consumers to boycott the products promoted by companies which are not transparent enough in the process of communication and do not respect the ecological commitments. There are experts who assert that the involvement of public authorities into the real economy must be reinforced. In this scenario, the consumers are permanently advised to stop buying products that are not manufactured in a proper way, affecting the health of the planet. Yet, it seems that the biggest effect of this kind of boycott (in a silent or implicit way) is registered by the managers, who lead the companies listed on international stock exchange markets, and who refuse to apply the new rules regarding sustainability. According to that trend, it becomes more and more obvious that soon enough the way of sustainable development should be mandatory for all economic agents, regardless the specific size of the companies or the field of activity. A telling example was given this autumn by Hong Kong Stock Exchange, where the managers of listed companies were suggested to respect entirely the new rules referring at ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) until the end of 2015. More than 15 percent of the managers responding to the research study on this topic agreed that such a rule is good to become mandatory for all listed companies. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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