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PROJECTS: The planned investments will change the image of Bucharest city

Works with a value of 60 million EUR made in order to widen Fabrica de Glucoză Street, the reconstruction of Hala Matache, the modernization of the Arc de Triumf monument and of the Astronomical Observatory, the completion of the passage Mihai Bravu - Calea Văcăreşti, the rehabilitation of Casa Cesianu, the execution of the highway that will cross Bucharest and the finalizing of the works for the Bucharest National Theatre are only some of the major projects in the Romanian Capital city that need to be completed in 2014-2015. In the next period, the Municipality of Bucharest (PMB) will start the construction works for widening the Fabrica de Glucoză Street in order to decongest the traffic at the beginning of the A3 motorway towards Bucharest. The street will be extended with two lanes and the investment value reaches 267 million RON (excluding VAT), the equivalent of about 60 million EUR. The project will be submitted to the General Council of Bucharest (CGMB) and, once approved, the expropriations will be initiated in order to start the works. "We will hold the auction for the choosing of the contractor and by the end of the current year the works could be started", said Ion Dedu, the Executive Director of the Transport Department of the PMB. The project implementation period is of 18 months from the date of commencement of the works. In the next period, the authorities will continue the execution procedures for the project named Diametrala Buzeşti - Berzei - Uranus, according to the draft of the local urban planning. After the first stage, between Piaţa Victoriei and Vasile Pârvan Street, the second section will involve the construction of a tunnel of 800 meters and a depth of 20 meters between Vasile Pârvan Street and Piaţa George Coşbuc. The underground entrance will be on the street B.P. Haşdeu in front of the Biology Institute, will continue under Dealul Arsenalului (between the Parliament House and the Salvation Cathedral) and will exit on Uranus Street. According to the local authorities, all the works made in order to facilitate the traffic in the area will cost 153 million EUR. 


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