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PROFINE: Orientation towards sustainability and consolidation of market share

The Romanian thermal insulating joinery market was characterized by major imbalances in 2012, and this fact affected the activity of Profine - one of the biggest players on this segment. The windows demand reached the same level as one year ago and, because of the oversized production capacities, continued to be geared towards cheap products. This led to a massive pressure on the materials price. In these circumstances, the German supplier of PVC systems has adapted dynamically his business strategy to the new requirements, in order to identify optimal solutions for solving each of the problems together with partners from Romania. For this year, Profine experts estimated that the group will improve the turnover as a result of the increase registered in the number of assemblies made with Trocal, KBE and Kommerling profiles which are delivered to foreign markets. The current information shows that the company currently holds a market share between 16% and 18%, being at a high level of competitiveness on the segment of 70 mm profiles. The targets on short and medium term are reduced essentially to the achievement of ambitious goals, reflected by an increased turnover. To achieve this, the management team relies on the fact that designers working in the German research center will develop new systems which have an intrinsic performance, leading to a substantial increase in demand. Another objective consists in attracting new partners who provide increased product streams. Also, current partners will not be forgotten the increase of the system deliveries to them being aimed at. In this respect, 2013 is the year when Profine will continue to make substantial efforts to strengthen business relationships. Regarding the outlook for the market as a whole, the company experts believe that an increase of over 5% is possible in the next three years. In this context, it is possible for the medium / large companies to strengthen their positions on the short term, given the fact that these firms hold the necessary resources to develop in a consistent way the manufacturing flows and the marketing strategies. Perhaps in a few years, the analyzed sector will become dominated exclusively by companies whose business is managed in a professional way. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue click here!


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