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PRODUCERS: The results of the companies continue to be heterogeneous

As the end of the current financial year is approaching, at a brief analysis we can observe that the results of the companies involved in the thermal insulating joinery market continue to be heterogeneous, especially since their work is influenced by exogenous and unpredictable factors. The current macroeconomic indicators reflect, on the one hand, a sequential and annual growth of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP that exceeded the foresights of the analysts, while, on the other hand, the statistic completion of the recession in the construction field after two consecutive quarters of growth of the specific work volume. It is too early for the new economic circumstances to have effects on the windows manufacturers and their suppliers since in 2013, despite the attempts to redress the activity, the problems of the industry are as acute as during the first two years of the general crisis. However, the period between October and December during the current year could represent a time which, if properly seized, would improve the profitability of specialized companies. Despite some fluctuations or shortfalls inherent on certain segments of the windows market, in many cases the companies from the field will report in 2013 an annual turnover more consistent than in 2012 or, in a pessimistic variant, at least at the same level reported last year. This outlook is supported as well by the fact that in the previous period, the firms have shifted either to the export activity, or to related sectors of the domestic market, which can provide optimal performance in terms of profitability. In addition, the completion of the recession in the Eurozone should boost deliveries from our country to other destinations in the European Union, this being an export incentive, since the national economy is expected to have an inconsistent recovery trend, which will surely be diverted in 2014 by the election period and, obviously, by various factors, including ones with a political or social nature. Thus, it seems that even in 2014, at least in the first half, the firms in the industry will not be exempted from the inherent problems with which their managers have become accustomed during the recession period. 


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