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PRODUCERS: Slight recovery of the activity of companies from the 2'nd semester

According to most managers of firms in the industry, although on the short and even medium term no macroeconomic indicator does reflect a reversal of the current downward trend of sales, from the second half of this year the latter is likely to stabilize and might represent the basis of an eventual growth. Although the so-called "peak season" of supplies is marked - more than during the period of maximum intensity of the recession - by uncertainty, lack of projects and market liquidity, most business plans that have to be met by the end of the current financial year have one thing in common - namely keeping turnovers to similar values with the ones recorded in 2012. Thus, the stated goal of the management of joinery manufacturers or systems suppliers is not entirely new, because it represented their main goal in the last two years as well. By analyzing the latest actions taken by firms in the industry, we can say that, after the depletion of the traditional methods for the limitation of the recession effects, for many companies in the industry - and especially for those with potential – the export operations are the only chance of obtaining revenues that can match the level recorded 12 months ago. This seems to be a suitable solution also on the medium term or long term, since the large-scale resumption of the activity on the national thermo-insulating market depends on many factors (both macroeconomic and specific), the connection with the construction domain representing a key element in this regard. Thus, the real decrease of 4.1% in the volume of construction works in the first seven months of this year compared to the same period in 2012 (indicator reported by the National Institute of Statistics - INS as adjusted series by number of working days and the seasonal factor) and the present extremely unfavourable macroeconomic situation will continue to adversely affect the activity of companies from the window sector in the last part of the current year. The decreasing number of buildings that reach the stage of finishing / assembly of thermo-insulating joinery is the main problem that burdens the internal segment of the market. 


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