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MEGAPROFIL estimates a 10% increase in sales in 2015

The businesses of  Megaprofil, local subsidiary of Belgian Joris Ide group were at a level of 20 million euros in the first nine months of 2014 was registered an increase of 13% over the previous year on the domestic market, while exports increased by 6%. The outlook for the full year remain optimistic, with an estimated increase of 8% -10% of sales compared to 2013. Megaprofil sells profiles and steel building systems, panels, metal roofing and accessories, holding a plant in Buziaş (Timiş county). According to the company, the production capacity is sufficient for current demand in the construction market and, given the existing overcapacity in the field, any investments are not taken into account in this respect. Joris Ide Group, which includes the company, has an international network consisting of 17 factories located in seven countries and works with over 900 employees. According to the company manager, Adrian Porfir, the tenedencies on the metal profiles, sandwich panels and roofing systems market is positive. During the first three quarters an average increase of 10% in these areas has been registered. The increases could be even higher if during the last quarter of this financial exercise, the situation will maintain or improve compared to the very low level in 2013. According to the data available now, the sandwich panels market stood at about 75 million EUR last year, while in 2014 an increase over 10% is expected. The sector of metal profiles reached around 24 million EUR during last year, and the estimates regarding 2014 present increases by up to 15%, while the metal roofing segment, estimated at 72 million EUR in 2013 may increase by more than 5% in this year. The year 2015 will be a difficult time for construction companies with many unknown elements, especially after the European and regional markets were faced in 2014 with a precarious economic situation and frozen conflicts. At the national level, very few investments were started by the state and the private ones did not have the importance needed in order to achieve an optimal economic development.


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