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Market trends, outlined in future specialised events

Although at a first sight is a market niche which would never require an extended approach at the international trade fairs and exhibitions, the thermal insulating joinery segment receives an increased attention both from experts in technology/legislation and final users. This is a regular situation, given the major part played by window systems into the process of efficient thermo-insulation of buildings (new and existing ones), according to the provisions stipulated by Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD). The windows field was hardly affected by the economical crisis, because of the specific nature of the mentioned segment, assuming the hypothesis that the joinery sector has an indissoluble relation with the final stages of a construction project. From this point on, the main consequence of the massive diminishing of the demand (especially on the residential construction segment) was represented by the decreases of turnover for most of the competitors in the field. This is the reason why one could ask about the high level of interest of the analysed sector enjoyed among the customers. The answer is quite simple, and it lies in the use of the specific materials for the rehabilitation activities concerning the existent buildings. Thus, the companies in the field focused on the specific demand, and adapted their products on new high-level requests. The joinery systems succeeded to maintain the status of a "star" within the general or specialized construction trade fairs, being perceived by users as high technology products, containing a big amount of knowledge and generating a real impact on the thermal insulating degree. It literally could be stated that, developed in a hostile environment, the analyzed segment has a real potential of growth, and the capacity to maintain the position in the spotlight. This idea is emphasized by the fact that the new renewable energy (wind and solar) principles involve special solutions like incorporation of the active devices into the windows and curtain walls. Next, are detailed the most important trade fairs and conferences that will take place in the future, where the consumers shall have the opportunity to test the latest technologies. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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