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LEGRAND: Significant dynamics for the local subsidiary

According to the data published in the financial report for fiscal year 2012, the Romanian subsidiary of Legrand has recorded good results, managing, along with the companies active on the markets in Russian Federation, Ukraine, Germany, Austria and Netherlands, to compensate the decline registered in the Southern Europe region. The positive trend recorded in Romania continued in the first quarter of 2013, when Legrand managed to preserve performance and balance, to a great extent, in comparison with the decreases reported in the high industrialized economies. The strengthening of the competitive position of the domestic company was confirmed by the increase in turnover, which, during January-March 2013, recorded a growth of more than 10%, which ranks it in the group of few subsidiaries who managed such a performance. Furthermore, the results confirm somehow the acknowledged expectations of the management team, who estimated a 15% increase in sales compared to the previous year. In recent years, Legrand has delivered in Romania specific systems and solutions for a number of major projects developed at national level, of which perhaps the most well-known is the Sky Tower office building, from Bucharest. Today, the company is engaged in providing specific solutions (like reactive power compensation devices, systems for distribution of power in tertiary buildings etc.). The offer has evolved constantly over time, promoting now a modern concept of vertical integration, which involves the use of highly complex technology solutions dedicated to both electrical infrastructure and the data. Perhaps the most representative advance is visible in terms of distribution systems, bus-bar category or reactive power compensation systems, where sales rose more than four times in the last ten years. The direction of development of the local construction of electrical installations will be defined in the next period by orientation to solutions for complex applications, which will certainly result in a substantial increase in the competitiveness of the company. On the short term, Legrand experts believe that the demand for systems and electrical materials will substantially increase. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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