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KNAUF INSULATION relies on the concept of sustainable development

The local wool based insulation products market recorded a slight decline up to 5% in 2012 in comparison with the previous year, according to the estimates of the Manager of Knauf Insulation Company, a subsidiary of the German Knauf Insulation Group and importer of glass and stone wool in Romania. Given the difficult context of the segment, Knauf Insulation relies on sustainability, namely on the need for higher standards of living in our country. The call for a sustainable development is addressed to the whole society, irrespective of solutions, materials and systems that are needed for the accomplishment of this objective. The local preparations of the company are part of the German group's strategy in what concerns the care for the environment and the quality of housing. The firm uses advanced fabrication technologies, which provide a high quality for the manufactured products and their packaging, while providing, in the same time, a substantial reduction of the CO2 emissions. Given that, in 2013, a new difficult period is estimated for the local insulation market, especially if we take into account the macroeconomic foresights, the new decrease of the number of building permits issued annually as well as the fact that there are many works started and unfinished, which still lack funding, the message sent by Knauf Insulation Romania is that major thermal rehabilitation projects must be initiated as soon as possible. "The renovation of the existing stock of houses, irrespective of the solutions and systems used, is a viable solution to the current economic difficulties because it creates jobs and generates substantial savings both in terms of the costs for the final beneficiary and the conservation of exhaustible resources" said Adrian Garofeanu, the Commercial Director of the company, during the release of the 2012 annual report on sustainability of Knauf Insulation, in Bucharest. Usually, the company delivers materials directly on construction sites for residential and commercial building insulation, but also for the thermal rehabilitation of apartment buildings of minimum 11 levels for which have to be provided, as required by law, only sealants classified as class A1 fire resistance. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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