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EURO-CONSTRUCTII: Over 360 professionals, in the auditorium of EURO-Construcţii

On May 25'th 2015 took place the International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Energy Efficiency EURO-Construcţii, fourth edition, which was attended by more than 360 specialists of the industry. The event was held in parallel with International Conference on Joinery and Curtain Walls Systems EURO-Fereastra, now in its seventh edition. Under the first plenary session, experts of the companies gathered in the Atlas Room Radisson Blu Hotel - Bucharest to meet with architects, planners, local and central officials, members of professional organizations etc. and interactively discussed various subjects. An interesting topic of interest was the analysis of the construction market in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), on residential and non-residential segments. Supported by specialized consultancy office analyst of Interconnection Consulting Group - Austria, Alexandra Peštová, the theme included some information which highlighted the major impact of macroeconomic factors on the construction sector in the analyzed region. More specifically, according to the representative of Interconnection, the economic growth in Eastern Europe is and will remain stronger than in the Western part of the continent. Thus, it is expected that, in 2016, the real GDP growth rate in the Eastern will be +1.9%, equaling the one for Western countries. Moreover, the forecast for 2015 which estimates the decrease of -0.3% of GDP in the Eastern region, is exclusively due to geopolitical issues related to a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, respectively to the economic sanctions against Moscow. For Romania, it sees a jump of +3% of GDP in 2015, well above the EU-28, which could be of +1.7%, while the public debt of the country is among the lowest in the region (only 40.6% of GDP), and this fact encourage investment in construction. Moreover, in the group CEE-7 (Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Slovenia), the lowest unemployment rate of only 6.4% is registered in Romania, which means that, in fact, the active population has resources for investments or acquisitions.


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