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ETEM: Flexibility provides the necessary balance on long-term

With a production capacity of 40,000 tons/ year, the Greek holding Etem, is the largest company specialized in aluminum profiles extrusion on the national market. Currently, the group exports represent over 70% of all manufactured products, the company consolidating its constant presence in over 20 countries around the globe. Etem has an extended experience, comprising in more than four decades, in the development of architectural systems, which are promoted intensively including in South-Eastern Europe region. On the Romanian market the subsidiary Etem Systems is present for 10 years, in 2014 the company reporting a turnover that exceeded four million euro, six times higher than the level recorded in 2010 - when it was started a comprehensive restructuring program activity. The objectives for the next period are ambitious and it suppose a strengthened competitive position, amid a gradual recovery in demand in the construction segment. Etem Systems management team has achieved permanent pragmatic analysis of the situation of the market, to identify ways to strengthen the quota currently held. According to the company representatives, the demand on the Greek market for architectural aluminum profiles decreased from 100,000 tons/year before the start of the recession at a value situated currently at approximately 20,000 tons/year, which is less than half the production capacity of Etem. This is why the attention is focused on foreign markets, such as Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Germany, Canada etc. For example, last year the share of deliveries in Romania was about 7% of total turnover in group. A large proportion of sales are made directly from the parent company, and those transactions are not accounted by the local company. The good results in Romania are generated including by the professional services of the sales team, which managed to obtain exceptional results each year in a market that has not yet overcome the problems caused by the economic crisis.


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