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CARPATCEMENT has planned investments of 9 million EUR

Manufacturer of cement, aggregates and concrete Carpatcement Holding, the local subsidiary of the German group HeidelbergCement and one of the leaders of the local market, registered a total turnover of 195 million EUR in 2012. The results indicate a decrease of 7% compared to 2011. At national level, the company has three cement plants, located in Bicaz, Deva and Fieni and has made a total investment of over 450 million EUR since the moment of accessing the local market. Currently, Carpatcement is active on the market of cement valued at about 600 million EUR and provides building materials for the largest projects in Romania, such as infrastructure (highways, national roads, etc.), Catedrala Mantuirii Neamului and various other purposes that require rehabilitation, modernization, repairs, as well as commercial and office buildings, logistic centers etc. The total cement production of the company stood last year at 2.75 million cubic meters. For 2013, the top-management of Carpatcement Holding estimates a similar level of sales to the one registered in 2012. However, this year is expected to be more politically stable in comparison with the previous one. "Under these circumstances, we expect that new projects will appear on a market that will remain stable, without any major fluctuations. The are still many things to built in Romania, which will transform our country in a target for investors during the next period of time", said Florian Aldea, CEO of Carpatcement. The company's turnover stood on a slightly downward trend in 2012. The decrease of 7% compared to 2011 is due, especially, to the extreme weather conditions from the first four months of last year, whilst adding to this the fact that, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the local cement market declined by 0.2% compared to 2011. However, the 11% increase of the profit despite the reduction in turnover and quantities sold was due, in particular, to the implementation of measures for restructuring costs and the increase of revenues by product mix through vertical integration and the balanced report between quality and price. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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