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BUSINESS NEWS: Specialized exhibition concept, launched by Knauf Group

Between 20 - 21 February 2013 at Nuremberg (Germany) the Knauf Werktage exhibition was held, organized by the construction materials manufacturer Knauf, with the participation of all eleven companies which form the group. The event was organized within an area of 1,500 square meters inside the Nuremberg Arena. During the two days, the stands were visited by more than 3,000 partners, customers, guests and employees of the German group from Armenia, Israel, France, South Africa, Romania, Germany etc. Knauf Group is formed from eleven companies, namely: Knauf Gips, Knauf PFT, Knauf Insulation, Knauf AMF, Knauf Integral, Richter System, Knauf Riessler, Knauf Alutop and Knauf Danoline (Danogips). Among the Romanian guests from the delegation led by Knauf Gips there were representatives of partner companies such as Maco Distribuitor, Isolier und Dämmtechnik Romania, Heberger Construction, Bilden Building Materials (S&L Trust Construct), Progopo, Interior Contractor, Rural Construct and Duo Design. "Knauf Group companies do not participate in any other exhibition event in Germany. Werktage is the only type of event whereby we present our products, strengthen our business relationships with partners and invite our potential partners. We realized that this method of promoting is much more convenient, given the fact that when the visitors participate at a fair in our industry, they do not come especially for us and usually spend between 15 to 30 minutes at our stand, while at Werktage, the average time spent by guests in order to study the specific opportunities is about 3 hours", said Thomas Thode, export manager for the Central and Easter Europe in the Knauf Group. The Nuremberg event is part of a series of exhibitions organized by the German company every two years, the other fairs taking place this year in Bochum (23-24 January), Stuttgart (30-31 January), Mainz (27-28 February), Leipzig (6-7 March) and Hamburg (20-21 March). The organization of the Werktage event series dates back to the end of 2008, being currently at its third edition. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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