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BOG'ART takes into consideration the expansion at international level

During the 21 years spent on the civil engineering domestic market, Bog'Art Company registered an impressive performance, creating a unique reputation on the segment of office buildings, which holds the largest share (65% - 70%) of all contracted works. The company completes its incomes from the execution of residential buildings, shopping centers, industrial halls, hotels, healthcare facilities and so on. The whole activity generated revenues of 76 million EUR last year. At the group level – which integrates 10 companies - a turnover of 110 million EUR was recorded in 2012, out of which 69% was generated solely by the activity of Bog'Art - Bucharest. In 2013, amid projects in progress, which will provide the output for the next two years, the management team expects an increase in turnover to 90 million EUR (for the contracting company), respectively 120 million EUR for the whole group. The action strategy of the Bog'Art Company focuses on maintaining the position won on the domestic level, which means to remain among the main performing economic operators of the market. The construction projects carried out by the corporation constitute real landmarks both in the capital city and at national level. Along with the optimization and the continuation of the work in Romania in the already given coordinates, in the future the company aims at accessing several foreign marketplaces. The states which presented much interest lately are the Russian Federation and Belarus, as well as Iraq, Libya, Morocco or Algeria. Given that these areas show great potential in the construction domain, they have attracted the attention of Bog'Art Company’s management, which currently performs a series of studies and researches on the new growth opportunities in these regions. "The most important achievement in 2012 of our company is the completion of the project "tailor made" (adapted to the conditions, preferences and purpose) UniCredit Tower, which we implemented both as a developer and as a general contractor. This investment objective has brought numerous nominations to the company during domestic and European competitions in the field", said Sorin Greu, CEO of Bog'Art. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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