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ANALYSIS: Over 500 million euro on the electrical equipments industry

The Romanian industry of electrical products, estimated at about 500 million euro per year, of which the lighting sector stands at about 125 million euro, will stabilize in 2014 after a 5% increase reported in 2013. The disappointing dynamics of the construction sector led the companies active in this field to shift the specific offer to energy and energy efficiency projects. An atypical segment for the electrical market have represented by the ranges of products based on LED functions, that have evolved significantly in recent years due to energy efficiency projects and increased demand for new solutions. In recent months, there had been a revival of the residential market, responsible for the sale of electrical products of about 50 million euro per year. The prices in industry will stabilize, at least on medium term, as a determining factor in shaping the decision to purchase electrical materials, despite the wide offers available on the market. However, the managers in industry indicate a relative increase of the customer interest in products available at the best price-quality ratio. In Romania there are 18 active producers of electrical installations materials (cables, lighting etc.) that reported for 2013 a total turnover of 588 million euro, 60 importers and distributors (with sales totalling 641.4 million euro last year) and about 1.200 companies specialized in the construction and design of electrical installations (with annual revenues of 2.9 billion euro). It must be specified, however, that the total turnovers of the analyzed companies include revenues from other activities, such as automation, security and control systems, as well as the execution of various types of construction works. According to 2013 data provided by the manufacturers, distributors and other specific companies, the electrical equipment market recorded an increase of 5% in 2013 compared to 2012. Regarding the distributors, the figures were slightly distorted by an over 200% growth reported by Siemens Romania, development due to other segments than those analyzed. Thus, if we exclude the increase reported by Siemens, the 5% sector growth is once again confirmed.


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