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ANALYSIS: EURIMA develops roadmaps of renovations in buildings

Experts of the European Mineral Wool Manufacturers Association (EURIMA) considers that the European Union needs a carefully documented method for coordinating the rehabilitation of existing buildings. Current data shows that about 40% of current energy consumption at Community level is associated with the operation of buildings. In the coming period, it requires a drastic reduction of this level, as well as the emission of greenhouse gases, to ensure that the objectives proposed major are reached: reducing of dependence on imported resources, reducing bills to households, creating jobs and relaunching of key sectors of the economy, especially the construction industry. To exploit that potential and radically reduce consumption, it is necessary to implement a holistic strategy, the long-term roadmaps being considered to be best suited to such an objective. Policies of this nature can be much more effective if they are adapted to the specific circumstances of each individual Member State and if it respects some generally accepted principles. The first of these relates to setting very ambitious targets assumed by the public authorities in each country, so that companies in the field have sufficient time to plan their actions and prepare for changes. It is therefore vital to establish a sustainable horizon, transparent and feasible. If the stock of buildings in the European Union, such a term was fixed for 2050. A second prerequisite is the establishment careful stages. The research conducted so far have revealed that the above deadline, the potential for reducing energy consumption for heating and conditioning will reach 80%, compared to 1990. The result can also be much easier to control if take into account some interim deadlines (2020, 2030, 2040), which assess the situation and apply the necessary corrections resulting from monitoring and evaluation processes. Support and direct involvement of government authorities is another prerequisite, but without excluding the private operators, including those in charge in the construction companies.


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