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ANALISYS: The suppliers of aluminum systems recorded a different evolution

From the fourth year of recession, the specific market segment of aluminum systems suppliers used for the production of insulated glazing and the exection of curtain façades began to have a separate and distinct evolution from other sectors of the branch of windows, although the macroeconomic indicators from the construction domain (especially in the area of non-residential buildings, where envelope elements of this type are mainly used) showed a continuous decline of the work volume. However, in the previous 12 months, there were noted efforts made by major companies in the area in order to stabilize the value and / or quantity of their deliveries, an aspect reflected both by the managers of the most significant manufacturers, importers or distributors of aluminum series, as well as by some statistic data regarding the profiles that come from abroad. Unfortunately, the information concerning the export of finished aluminum assemblies cannot be quantified in the absence of precise coding, being included perhaps in the industrial section of metal constructions. Thus, the quantitative increase of imports of systems cannot be found and cannot be measured in what regards the finished assemblies. Given these aspects and despite the results of the market of aluminum systems that might be considered as outstanding, it is hard to believe that the production of joinery and / or execution of curtain walls were characterized by a boom last year (nationally), especially due to the continuous regression - near dissolution – of a significant number of real estate projects in which metal profiles are used. In addition, certain negative premises both on internal (higher energy costs) and international levels (mainly related to the quotation of primary aluminum) made the whole area much less profitable than in the past and even to report an operating loss. For many suppliers of raw materials and semi-finished components (systems), a drastic decrease in profitability represents an unavoidable situation and constitutes now a feature of this market segment. 


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