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AKZO NOBEL targeting a leading position in the paints market

The importer of paints and varnishes Akzo Nobel Coatings - the local subsidiary of Dutch manufacturer AkzoNobel - will launch on the Romanian market a new range of paints in premium class, which will be marketed under the brand Supralux and will represent the access point for major projects market. For the current year, the company management has proposed a 10% increase in turnover, compared to 10 million euro achieved in 2014, medium-term plans aiming the positioning among the top five competitors in the local market of paints and varnishes. Akzo Nobel Coatings is active in Romania since 2007, with brands Sadolin (wood), Dulux (washable paint for interior and exterior) and Hammerite (materials for metal surfaces), the products distributed in our country being imported from Britain, Poland, Estonia, France and the Netherlands.


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