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ADEPLAST estimates sales of over 50 million EUR

Marcel Bărbuţ, CEO of AdePlast company, estimates a sustainable recovery of the construction industry starting with 2015 given that, in Romania, there is an enormous potential of the field both in terms of the new construction projects and the rehabilitation of the existing buildings. AdePlast recorded in recent years a significant increase on the local market, reaching a turnover of 185 million RON (41.5 million EUR) at the end of last year, after an increase of 30% in comparison with the level of 2011, on a market that continued to register a downward trend. "In 2012, we exceeded with 5 percent the target that we agreed upon at the beginning of last year. After two consecutive years of increase with 12%, the dynamics recorded in 2012 represented the result of investments made in the last few years. Furthermore, we have looked upon the current year realistically and very seriously, given that we had to complete new production capacities in our industrial centers in Oradea, Ploieşti and Roman", said the manager of AdePlast. In the first eight months of 2013 the company recorded a 35% growth in turnover. This evolution is mainly due to the increase in production capacity and the flexibility of manufacturing processes. "This trend is satisfactory for AdePlast, given that some signals from the economy are not very encouraging. If we refer only to the construction industry, the market registers bottlenecks caused by the last year's claims, still unpaid by the state, of the companies which executed public works. Once municipalities pay their debts, new works that will revive the market will surely start", said Marcel Bărbuţ. For the end of 2013, the manager expects an increase of at least 25% of the turnover, which is due mainly to the newly opened factories that facilitated the distribution of goods and decreased the transportation costs. Nonetheless, a beneficial contribution to the financial results of this year will be due to the diversification and continuous improvement of the product range. The businesses of AdePlast would exceed this year the psychological threshold of 50 million EUR. For further information, click here!


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