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ROTO is growing and remaining consistent

Although the Roto Group did not achieve all the goals it set for itself in full in 2017, it increased its performance, competitiveness and sustainability once again. It is predicting a total turnover of around 630 million euros, which is on balance 1% to 2% above the previous year’s level in a globally consolidated market environment. If economic policies don’t get in the way the construction supplier expects good opportunities in general for 2018 and anticipates slightly prospering markets. With a turnover increase of between 3% and 5%, the company would like to participate in this. This is how the chairman - Dr Eckhard Keill - described the cornerstones of the company’s development during the 12th International Trade Press Day. In addition, in mid-November 2017 in Böblingen, near Stuttgart, the chairman announced the continued consistent focus on the “customer first” maxim. For the first time in years, Dr Eckhard Keill attested that the international construction industry is in slightly better shape in 2017, all things considered. "In Europe, the slight upwards trend is likely to pick up speed in 2017. For instance, the Euroconstruct research network is expecting an average construction growth of 3% for its 19 member countries. However, upon closer examination, the situation in each individual country remains very different, as always. This also, or especially, applies to residential construction. While Hungary and Ireland ranked highest here, the institute categorised Austria, Germany, the United Kingdom, Finland and Switzerland at the lower end of the scale according to the most recently available data. The wide spread is partly based on an extremely heterogeneous starting situation in the countries examined. In general, residential construction is benefitting from mainly good framework conditions such as a good financing climate, positive labour market development and increasing income of private households. The increasingly high price level for residential properties poses a risk to future demand".
Roto NX - the newest tilt and turn hardware system
Chief Financial Officer Michael Stangier provided information about current developments at Roto. "As at 30th September 2017, the Window and Door Technology (FTT) division displayed a slight turnover increase compared to the same period in the previous year. This means that it is “according to plan” as a whole. The first three quarters showed changeable development – from “really good” to “mediocre” to “still OK”.  The official predicted a Group turnover of around 630 million euros for the whole of 2017, a figure which is 1% to 2% higher than the previous year (622 million euros). The ratio between foreign and domestic markets remains essentially at two-thirds to one-third, with a slightly increasing rate for foreign markets. As part of a multi-year programme, just under 30 million euros were invested mainly in three focal points, which have now been completed to a large extent. The first of these is a fully modernised logistics centre for the FTT division at the headquarters in Leinfelden-Echterdingen. After “teething problems” as a result of unforeseen software problems, it is now impressing customers with fast, complete delivery capability. The second major investment project is the new DST innovation centre in Bad Mergentheim. Officially inaugurated a few weeks ago, it is a spectacular eye-catcher with its unusual architecture modelled on the company logo and is intended to provide freedom for creative work. Investment focal point number three: the “Roto NX” Tilt&Turn hardware system shaping the industry once again. The European specialist journalists who made the journey to the press day were able to experience the world premiere of this “milestone” first-hand. Permanent investments in additional new FTT and DST products document “continuous innovation”, according to Stangier.


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