السلة فارغة

PVC: The assemblies totalize above 60% of the market

Amid the uncertain economic situation, the PVC manufacturers aim for this year to strengthen their export quotas and to maintain deliveries at an appropriate level in order to allow at least a stabilization of the turnover at the level of the preceding 12 months. In fact, during the financial year that has just ended, the efforts of the management teams were directed in the same direction and the partial statistic data concerning the imports of PVC systems (which reflect rather accurately the supply requirements of the companies involved in the execution of assemblies) indicate low increases in quantities and revenues, more likely equivalent to a maintaining of deliveries to the previous level. Obviously, those levels are at extremely low rates, corresponding to the situation recorded before the onset of the economic "boom" in 2007, but these could be an underlying threshold that will allow, at least on the medium term, a revival of the activity on sustainable basis. Furthermore, the growth trend cannot be sustained without significant economic stimulus measures. However, the persons mandated to create and apply the latter - in this case, the central authorities – are neglecting them, preferring political statements and creating, thus, a tense situation from the social point of view, in the context of the election time proximity. Although the macroeconomic assumptions are not favourable (excepting the fact that the construction market has gone out of the statistic recession and the number of building permits for residential constructions - where PVC windows are usually installed - fell slightly in 2013), the companies involved in the analyzed segment demonstrated - and will also show further on – that they are being able to manage without the support of the state. According to the information included in the top 500 major manufacturers of joinery from Romania, produced by Fereastra magazine in 2013 (just as during the previous year) the production yield of windows came close to the initial level registered before the period of generalized economic crisis. 


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