السلة فارغة

ANALYSIS: Growth up to 10% on the metal profiles market in this year

The local sector of systems for industrial halls, metallic tiles and panels, valued at about 250 million euro in 2014, resumed its upward trend in 2015. The estimates on short term indicate an increase of 5%-10% by the end of this year. The local roofing market value exceeded 125 million euro during 2014, metal roofs representing more than half of this amount, corresponding to an annual amount of about 18 million sqm. According to the opinions of top suppliers, in first nine months of 2015 these sectors have recorded major developments compared to the same period in the last year, mainly due to resuming the trend of growth in the construction sector. Regarding the local market of sandwich panels and galvanized steel structures, it totalized between 70 and 90 million euro in 2014, for 2015 being expected an increase of 5%-10%. Roofing systems market also falls on an upward trend. The sales of metal roofing in the first six months of this year recorded an improvement of 8% -10% compared to the same period in 2014, according to data supplied by Bilka Steel - one of the largest producers active on the local metal roofing profiles. Valued at about 70-75 million last year (+5% compared to 2013), metal tiles sector will grow in the coming years. In 2015, the main engine for the growth of sales remains the renovation sector, which generates 50% of demand, but unlike previous years, the first time it feels a recovery both in the new residential projects, and the industrial ones, which will support a consistent development of the market from 2016. Other favorable factors which sustained the upward trend on the roofing sector were represented by the optimal weather conditions and the economic stability. However, the market still seeks its direction, and is far from maturity, especially in terms of customer attention to quality and performance of the roofing products. Meanwhile, specialized producers noted that beneficiaries have already started to be more interested in quality products, after a long period when this area has been invaded by poor quality products.


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