السلة فارغة

Recession on the sector of sealants for joinery

The local market of chemical materials for constructions had lately a different dynamics for every segment, and the whole domain was characterized by disparity of segments (PU foams, adhesives, sealants etc.). Nevertheless, as directly connected to the way of development of thermal insulating joinery activity, the only certainty is that the delivery is on a descending trend, corresponding to the decrease of the works of manufacture and installation of windows and doors. In the period before recession, the most important companies in the sector (According Group, Den Braven Romania, Henkel Romania, Selena Romania, Soudal and Temad-Co) held over 80% of the local market of PU foams. It is obvious that some competitors had a better approach in the moments of the maximum point of the economical crisis, and assuming that in the last period some changes took place in the ranking of the first three suppliers, it could be said that all the companies named before are yet on the top. Unlike other segments of the analyzed domain, the diminishing of the national market of sealants in 2011 - 2012 is not very significant, the level of decrease being at most 10%. The reason is that, regardless the unfavorable conditions, PU foam assumes an important role in thermal protection, being a recommended barrier against vapors. This is why the material became indispensable for joinery installation processes, through insertion into the space between frame and masonry. After a deep analysis of presented information, it results that the incomes of the most important 27 companies in the field decreased by 9% in 2011, in the year before the total turnover hovering at €261 million. The diminishing is registered after strong fluctuations (-6% in 2009, and +2% in 2010), and the generated loses in the early moments of recession had not been recovered yet. In brief, for the analyzed companies the effects of economical crisis were acceptable in comparison with other segments, the total loses reported to 2008 being of only -12.5%. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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