السلة فارغة

NEWS: The upward trend in sales of windows may resume

A new season peak in the sector of thermal insulating joinery is - at least in theory - in full swing, but the activity in the sector seems to be temporarily blocked. Lack of orders is especially obvious in the residential sector, where the recession has inoculated among consumers a state of deep mistrust and uncertainty. The main effect of this attitude consists in keeping the personal savings in bank deposits and hence postponing sine die any new investment. Even the risk of missing the energy certificates without which the real estate transactions will be impossible since July 2013 is not an sufficient incentive for owners. Things seem to take a favorable turn in the construction of office buildings, where, for the first time since the beginning of recession, recently were launched at least four large projects only in Bucharest. To have a realistic perspective as regards the specific market situation, it is often necessary to analyze the problem in an objective way. The latest market study realized by Interconnection Consulting Research Institute in Vienna addresses, in a comprehensive way, the current market situation in the field in the Eastern Europe. According to Austrian experts, between 2008 and 2012 the contraction was about 3 million windows units, meaning a decrease of 7.5%. The correspondent value stood at a nearly 19% contraction, the difference indicating the orientation to the cheaper models. Obviously, the presented data assess a mean trend, being clear that there are major differences depending on geographic location and the purchasing power of clients. For example, in Romania current information indicates a decrease of almost 60% of sales, showing both a drastic contraction in demand and a maximum pressure on the commodity price. It should be noted the low level of technical information, which allows producers to adjust prices, eliminating the essential elements for the proper functioning of those assemblies. This is a major impediment for end users which don't pursue important parameters like the safety class, the size of the operating forces, the level of heat and sound insulation, corner welding resistance etc. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue click here!


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