السلة فارغة

JOINERY: Companies in the industry are trying to recover their businesses

Although this year includes an election period in which - in theory - a boost to public investment should take place, with a favorable impact on the private investment level, the macroeconomic negative premises from the first quarter of 2014, a period characterized by political and social tensions both nationally and regionally, determines a state of expectancy on the thermal insulating joinery market. Thus, the managers of companies specialized in the commercialization of systems (as suppliers) or in the production of assemblies, face various problems that hinder the development of viable business plans, which are no longer a novelty, since the state of expectation became a feature of the entire branch. However, with the initiation of a favorable season for the execution of works for certain construction projects (fewer now), it is foreseen that the number of orders aimed at joinery manufacture and installation is at least similar to the one recorded in the same period in 2013. Although, neither in the economic increase period (and even less during the recession) the first months of each year are not an appropriate interval of making clear predictions on market developments, especially amid the current economic uncertainty, the financial results and the various management strategies announced by several significant companies for the domestic joinery industry unequivocally indicate the direction in which the specific business environment will go in 2014. It is worth to be noted that any attempt to stabilize the revenues - which are a favorite target for the profile companies - should be based on a similar trend visible in the construction market, which currently represents only a plan, given that the current social and political instability corroborates with various causes that aggravate the downward trend which is registered, such as the diminution of the work, found in 2013 on key segments on the market of windows. In general, the current financial challenges have remained the same for the current year.


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