السلة فارغة

ANALYSIS: Measures that support the businesses of companies in the industry

In the current financial year, the businesses of the companies from the thermal insulating joinery branch should, at least theoretically, unfold parameters superior to those of the previous 12 months, especially since this year represents a relatively stable post-election period - a time for enhancing the attraction of European funds that remain unallocated during 2007-2013. Thus, it would be necessary - even mandatory - to boost public investment, with a favourable impact on the private investment. However, the uncertain macroeconomic premises in the first quarter of 2015 and the period characterized by different regional geopolitical tensions, determines a state of expectation for the thermal insulating joinery market. However, the managers of the specialized company hope that, with the beginning of the season favourable to the execution of major construction projects and the export, the number of orders aimed at manufacturing and installation of joinery to be higher than the one recorded in the same period in 2014. As it is known, the first months of each year are not conducive to developing a range of clear predictions on market developments, especially amid the current economic uncertainty, so although there are some notable exceptions, it is not surprising that most members of the executive management of companies from the branch mainly described the possible evolution of their businesses and less the overall situation in the industry. Nonetheless, the more frequent references to the export activity, especially for major manufacturers and suppliers, as the main measure to support business, indicate the direction in which the domestic joinery industry will head in 2014. However, just as during last year, it must be clear from the beginning that any attempt to stabilize the revenues - which is a favourite target of specialized companies - based on a similar trend to the construction market, currently represents only a dream, given that the decrease of the volume of work, established in 2014, became a certainty, although the key market segments of windows have achieved an increase of the indicators.


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